Buzzfeed get diners wrong, mostly

boulevard diner worcesterIn it’s ongoing attempt to create click bait for millions of bored web surfers, Buzzfeed recently published a list of the “21 American diner you should eat in before you die.”

There are some classic, notable diners in the bunch;  The Miss Worcester, Mickeys, Tops, but also a whole raft of wannabees and neverweres.  My fav amongst that group is “Slim Goodies,” which, we are told “…has been serving up creole goodness for nearly 12 years.”  Really?  Twelve whole years?  That makes it a classic in my book anytime!

For our part, if we had to pick one diner in Worcester to highlight it would have been the venerable Boulevard, not Miss Worcester, despite that diner’s close connection to the Worcester Lunch Car Manufacturing Company.

Anyway, we just wanted to share the link, on the off chance that you’re one of the five or six people who hadn’t seen it already…